From 9th to 18th January, 2012, the  marchers of the "International March to Athens", started from Nice on November the 5th, 2011, will be in Rome.
Togheter we'll give life to assemblies and actions all over these days: the International Agorà of  Rome! People from all over the world will gather to meet each other,  share experiences, discuss problems and ideas and plan strategies to  keep the global movement active and make it grow.
Don't sit back and watch... Join us! Follow us!


-10 january: San Giovanni
3 pm: Press Conference
4 pm: assembly on theme "Direct Democracy"

-11 january:
La Pisana - morning: "Zero Wate" (organization) demonstration against the biggest dump of Europe in Malagrotta, near Rome.
San Giovanni - afternoon: assembly on theme "environment and waste".

-12 january: San Giovanni
- Morning: First part of thel workshop "Manifesto for freedom": a discussion on power and liberties, to imagine how we can expand daily our freedom and recover the right to decide ourselves for our life.
- Afternoon: technical and theoretical workshop on active nonviolence.

-13 january: San Giovanni:
Morning: second part of "Freedom statment" workshop. Production of a document with results of the discussion.
Afternoon: Assembly of Esquilino on Food and agricultural sovereignty

-14 january: San Giovanni
Assembly on the debt, talking with many indipendent economists, to compare theories and the urges of people. In the second part of the day activists from the european movement will compare ideas and strategies of struggles. (Fb event: https://www.facebook.com/events/279354682121836/)

-15 january: San Giovanni
Morning: Assembly on the job theme, social income and general stike, with workers and not only!
Morning: GA Occupy movement
Afternoon: day of action, Carnival of the system (Fb event: https://www.facebook.com/events/143113222467398/)

-16: San Giovanni
Morning: Assembly on the preparation of a march toward Palestine
Afternoon: Assembly on disabilities (speakers from pet therapy program).

-17: San Giovanni
Morning: Assembly on education and right to study


During the week of 11 to 18 January, the international people's March, which left from Nice, will arrive in Rome: walkers from France, Belgium, Spain, Italy and Greece marching together to bring their support to all peoples in struggle, and to bring about a convergence of all their concerns at an international level. Along its way, the march contributed in setting up popular assemblies, with the liberation of speech as its paramount ambition, to properly reclaim the political realm through encounters, exchanges of stories and interrogations, and to spark individual and collective reflection, so that alternatives may emerge to the dead-end of Capitalism.

This meeting is the result of a historic revolutionary situation, which is unprecedented in its worldwide character. What unites us is the endeavour to understand the causes of this dramatic situation and the uncertain future towards which it leads us, as well as the common effort to realise meaningful change in society and achieve a true shift in social consciousness.
The purpose of this meeting is the coordination of this fledging global revolutionary movement, through the formation of a network which would allow us to build a society that prioritises life over economic or political concerns.
We strive for the erection of a direct democracy, founded on the principle of horizontality, and destined to counter the power of decision of so-called 'representative democracy,' which is ultimately ruled by the power of globalised financial speculation.
All this ineluctably rests on a new perception of space and time, and especially the reclaiming of public space as a place for common existence, permanent dialogue, artistic creativity and freedom of speech, a space self-managed and respectful of Mother Nature.
Our approach is pacific, but firm and determined. We urge for civil disobedience, basing our actions not on their legality or illegality, but rather upon concerns of legitimacy or illegitimacy.

This week of agora will see the streets of the capital swarmed with debates and proposals, with multiple thematic fora, street actions, performances, cultural activities, working groups, touring assemblies and laboratories.